Empowering Clients with the Serenity Prayer

I was recently coaching a client in a major career transition. Her thoughts of minute were most probably reaching a very high number – and that was preventing her from reflecting back in an objective manner. In those cases, the Serenity Prayer is always a good reminder of identifying what is in our control – and what is not.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

In a coaching conversation, this can be mean including job-search related actions into three columns:

– Things I can change / act upon

– Things I cannot change / act upon

– Things I do not know if I can change / act upon

I usually recommend the client to take a highlighter and circle all the things in the first column he can change / act upon NOW and concentrate on those few items.

To empowering our clients … today!

Jasmine Keel, ACMA, ACC


Coaching and Training for Global Teams, Leaders & Professionals

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